Maqam of Prophet Noah

The Maqam of Prophet Noah, located in the historic city of Al Karak holds deep significance in both biblical and Quranic narratives. Prophet Noah was one of the earliest messengers mentioned in the Quran in a Surah named after him. Noah was recounted in various scriptures including the Bible with having unwavering faith and a mission to guide his people towards monotheism.

According to biblical and Quranic accounts, Noah faced immense challenges as he called upon his people to abandon idol worship and turn to the worship of one God. Despite his persistent efforts over 950 years, only a small group responded to his message, leading to divine intervention in the form of a catastrophic flood. Noah, along with those who believed in him, sought refuge in the Ark, a vessel he built by God's command, ultimately surviving the deluge. The shrine, constructed during the Mamluk era and later restored during the Ottoman period, serves as a poignant reminder of Prophet Noah's steadfastness in the face of adversity and his enduring legacy of faith.

Opening Hours

(8:00 AM) until (6:30 PM)


(8:00 AM) until (6:30 PM)


(8:00 AM) until (6:30 PM)


(8:00 AM) until (6:30 PM)


(8:00 AM) until (6:30 PM)


(8:00 AM) until (6:30 PM)


(8:00 AM) until (6:30 PM)

Entry Fees

(1 JD)


(5 JD)


Dulaywan Al Majali, Kerak