St. George’s Greek Orthodox Church

St. George’s Greek Orthodox Church was constructed in 1849, possibly tracing back to the Byzantine era or even earlier Christian foundations. Despite its unassuming exterior of stone, the church's interior is a treasure trove of artistic splendor. Vibrant frescoes, intricate stained glass windows, and meticulously crafted religious icons adorn its sacred space, a testament to the devoted labor of both local artisans and Greek craftsmen who journeyed to contribute to its embellishment.

Within the church's walls lies a precious collection of ancient books and Bibles, spanning languages from Aramaic to Ancient Greek, offering a glimpse into the rich literary and spiritual heritage of the Orthodox Christian tradition. Beyond its architectural and historical significance, St. George’s Greek Orthodox Church serves as a spiritual sanctuary for the Orthodox community in Karak. Here, faithful congregants gather to participate in liturgical services, engaging in solemn prayers, uplifting hymns, and sacred sacraments that nurture a sense of communal unity and foster spiritual growth and introspection.

Opening Hours

(8:00 AM) until (6:30 PM)


(8:00 AM) until (6:30 PM)


(8:00 AM) until (6:30 PM)


(8:00 AM) until (6:30 PM)


(8:00 AM) until (6:30 PM)


(8:00 AM) until (6:30 PM)


(8:00 AM) until (6:30 PM)