Al Karak Castle

Al Karak Castle stands as a formidable testament to centuries of history and conflict. Encircled by imposing outer walls constructed of massive stone blocks, the castle's origins trace back to the 12th century, when Crusaders erected its first fortifications on the foundations of an earlier centuries old castle. Over time, subsequent rulers such as the Ayyubids and Mamluks further fortified and expanded the castle, leaving behind a legacy of architectural marvels that continue to captivate visitors today.

Explore the fascinating history and architectural wonders of Al Karak Castle, where each stone tells a story of valor and resilience. From its imposing walls to its hidden passages, this ancient fortress offers a glimpse into Jordan's rich heritage and cultural legacy.

Outer Walls:

The castle’s outer walls, towering and formidable, serve as a reminder of its defensive prowess. Constructed by the Crusaders and enhanced by subsequent conquerors, these walls bear witness to the strategic importance of Al Karak Castle throughout history. Visitors can admire the craftsmanship of medieval fortification as they wander along the perimeter, imagining the battles and sieges that once raged outside its sturdy confines.

Entrance Gate:

The entrance gate, a grand stone archway flanked by imposing towers, beckons visitors to step back in time and explore the castle's inner sanctum. Complete with a drawbridge and intricate defensive mechanisms, the gate stands as a testament to the castle's impregnability during times of conflict. Today, it welcomes guests with a sense of awe and anticipation as they prepare to delve into the castle's storied past.


Scattered throughout the castle grounds, the towers of the castle offer commanding views of the surrounding landscape. Strategically positioned for defense and surveillance, these structures bear silent witness to centuries of history and intrigue. Visitors can ascend the towers’ ancient staircases and immerse themselves in the castle’s rich tapestry of tales and legends.

Inner Courtyard:

Passing through the formidable entrance gate, visitors find themselves in the heart of the castle – the inner courtyard. Once a bustling hub of activity, this open space resonates with echoes of bygone eras. From military drills to royal gatherings, the courtyard has witnessed it all, inviting modern-day explorers to step into the footsteps of past residents and soldiers.

Opening Hours

(8:00 AM) until (6:30 PM)

Entry Fees

(0.25 JD)


(2 JD)


Castle street, Kerak 61110